COMESA Court Retreat Program – Khartoum, Sudan

Nov 22, 2019
The COMESA Court of Justice (CCJ), held a retreat for its staffs in Khartoum, Sudan on Nov 21, 2019
The retreat program gathers all the CCJ staff together and spends the day visiting a place called Marshal Nature Reserve and amazed by this compound’s different collection of birds from Kenya, Zambia, Australia, Saudi Arabia and many more. Besides we have seen a red fish called Japanese fish.
The birds are so friendly and thought to be fed from hand. Whenever one puts cereal on hand, they flew towards that hand. It gives a very good feeling when feeding those very cute birds as well as fishes with hand.
The retreat proceeded to AlMansur Farm, in one of the provinces of Khartoum, gathered and cooked our own food, feeling relaxed and played volleyball together.