45th COMESA Policy Organs Meetings

The Judge President, Honourable Lady Justice Lombe Chibesakunda, is heading a delegation of the COMESA Court of Justice staff to attend the 45th COMESA Policy Organs Meetings which are taking place from 25 to 28 November 2024 at the Mulungushi International Conference Centre in Lusaka, Zambia.
The Meetings commenced with the 45th Intergovernmental Committee Meeting established Under Article 7 of the COMESA Treaty, constituting Permanent or Principal Secretaries from Member States.
The Court presented the Annual Report of the Court and Her Ladyship informed the delegates that this would be her last meeting as the Judge President of the Court as the ten-year term of the current Judges would come to an end in early June 2025.
“I am proud to say that we have managed to persevere and live out our vision as ‘A World Class Court Promoting Regional Integration’.”
Following the Judges President’s speech, the Registrar, Honourable Nyambura Mbatia, proceeded to present the progress of the Court. She provided an overview of the Court’s activities and accomplishments for the year 2024.
The Court will be joining other COMESA Organs and Institutions in commemorating 30 years of the existence of the Common Market. To mark this milestone, the COMESA Secretariat will hold a COMESA 30-Year Celebration Gala Dinner on Wednesday, 27th November 2024.
The 45th COMESA Policy Organ Meetings will conclude with the 45th Council of Ministers on the 28th of November 2024. The Council of Ministers was also established under Article 7 of the Treaty and comprises Ministers from COMESA Member States. The Council of Ministers will review the recommendations made during the Intergovernmental Committee Meeting.